In Other Words

A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness


Ramdane Touati


Ramdane Touati is a sociolinguist specializing in the Amazigh (Berber) field. He earned his PhD from the University of Aix-Marseille in France in 2018 and he is a part-time researcher at CRASC (Oran, Algeria). He is member of the Unit of Research in Translation and Terminology (URTT), and he is a focal point of Algeria in the UNESCO World Language Atlas. His research focuses on language policies and planning, the description and revitalization of endangered languages, and dialectology. In addition to his research, he works as an interpreter at ISM Interprétariat (Paris, France), and creates educational tools for language learning tools.


Among his most recent publications:

Touati, R. (2023, in tamazight). Tasentala, asegnu d usudder n tmaziɣt (Dialectology, normalization and revitalization of tamazight). Algiers: ENAG.
Available at:

Touati, R. (2025). Atlas de tamazight en Algérie, à la lumièrede l’AML de l’UNESCO. Algiers: HCA-ENAG.

Touati, R. (2021). Un point de vue dialectologique sur la codification du berbère. In: Daniela Merolla, Dominique Caubet, Kamal Nait Zerad, Philippe Cassuto (Eds). Les études berbères à l'ère de l'instutionnalisation de tamaziɣt. Mélanges en l'honneur de Salem Chakeret Abdellah Bounfour. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Touati, R. (2020). Quelques bases théoriques pour une socioloinguistique appliqée à l'aménagement de tamaziɣt. In: M. El Adak (Ed). Mélange de Linguistique et de Littérature Amazighes offerts en hommage à Kadi Kaddour. Oujda: Publication de l’Université Mohammed Premier.

Didactic tools (available in 7000 languages)

Ṛeẓ asalu ɣer taqbaylit for teaching Kabyle, for English and French speaking learners. Lmed tagshurt: courses of an endangered and undocumented language, spoken in the Sahara (Algeria).



touati dot ramdane at yahoo dot fr


chelha editing in progress