In Other Words

A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness


Victoria Odeniyi


Dr Victoria Odeniyi is a research fellow at the Decolonising Arts Institute, University of the Arts in the United Kingdom. Current research and professional interests include coloniality, ethnography, linguistic diversity, educational inequality and institutionalised knowledge production, and how these phenomena intersect with race and identity. She has held posts in the areas of language education, academic literacies and intercultural communication at the University of London and Middlesex University; and has researched factors contributing to unequal educational outcomes, and to academic practice including expert peer review for an Andrew W. Mellon project ‘Reading Peer Review' [funder code 21700692]. Currently, Victoria supervises doctoral researchers in the area of language education for the Doctoral College at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She recently published a themed issue of Decolonial Subversions | Special Issue 2023 on Decolonising the university and the role of linguistic diversity with Dr Gillian Lazar. 


Recent outputs:

Odeniyi, V. (2023). Translanguaging as creative practice: What can we learn from our students about educational equity? In Triki, N. (Ed.) Languaging Identities in Changing Times [Book of abstracts] [pp.173-174]. University of Torino. 

Odeniyi, V. & Lazar, G. (Eds.). (2023). Decolonising the university and the role of linguistic diversity, Decolonial Subversions | Special Issue 2023.1–110.  

Lillis, T. & Odeniyi, V. (2023). Afterword: Continuing a Critical Conversation In Donohue, C. and Horner, B. (eds.)  Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.  

Eve, M. P., Gadie, R., Odeniyi, V. & Parvin, S. (2022). Reviewing the Reviewers: Training Neural Networks to Read Peer Review Reports. In Jaillant, L. (ed.) Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitised Archival Collections. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press. 

Eve, M. P.and O'Donnell, D. P., Neylon, C. , Moore, S., Gadie, R. & Odeniyi, V. & Parvin, S. (2021). Reading Peer Review – What a dataset of peer review reports can teach us about changing research culture. LSE Impact Blog.

Eve, M. P., Neylon, C., O'Donnell, D.P., Moore, S., Gadie, R., Odeniyi, V., & Parvin, S. (2021). 

Reading Peer Review: PLOS ONE and Institutional Change in Academia Cambridge University Press.

Giorgis, P., Mavrodieva, I., Odeniyi, V., Semenets, O., Todorova, B., Valente, A. (2021). In Other Words. A critical, creative, collaborative project, Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 46, January 2021, ISSN 1314-4464

Social Media

Twitter: @Victoria.Odeniyi





victoria dot odeniyi at iowdictionary dot org


conversation editing in progress
il/ils editing in progress
trans editing in progress
translanguaging editing in progress