[Нормалност - Нова нормалност]
by Ivanka Mavrodieva
New Normality
Думата "нормалност" и изразът "новото нормално" се използват по време на пандемията от представители на медиите, различни бизнес общности и различни организации. С тези думи се обозначава желанието за връщане към ритъма на живот, който е бил познат преди COVID-19; както и за навици, работен режим, развлечения, пътувания, екскурзии, спорт и др. Същевременно се изказва скептицизъм, че е възможно да се върнем към живота в предишните му измерения.
The word "normalcy" and the expression "the new normallity" have been used throughout the pandemic by journalists and representatives of media managment, various business communities, and various organisations. These words refer to the desire to return to the rhythm of life that was familiar before COVID-19; as well as to habits, work routines, entertainment, travel, excursions, sports, etc. At the same time, skepticism is expressed that it is possible to return to life in its former dimensions.
Normality – New Normality
The word ‘normality’ is written in Bulgarian language and Cyrillic as „нормалност”. The origin of the word is from ‘norma’ and the etymology is from the Latin language.
The word ‘нормалност’ derives from the adjective 'нормален' and abstract suffix -ост/-ost .
The adjective New – in Bulgarian „нов”, „нова”, „ново”, „нови”.
The phrase ‘new normality” is used by media, journalists, people from various social groups and it includes positive and negative evaluations.
The word ‘normality’ is written in Bulgarian language and Cyrillic as "нормалност". The origin of the word is from ‘norma,’ and the ethicology is from the Latin language.
The word ‘нормалност’ is formed with a suffix -ост, a suffix -ost.
The adjective New – in Bulgarian "нов", "нова", "ново", "нови".
The phrase 'new normality plays / performs a connotative function. 'New normality’ was created in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it contains different emotional assessments and evaluations in different contexts.
Cultural specificity:
Most older Bulgarians follow the rules and guidelines for wearing masks on public transport, supermarkets, pharmacies, banks and elsewhere. One of the factors is the experience, upbringing and habits to follow norms and rules. Other reasons are the stereotypes and their life during socialism, when they strictly followed the rules and norms. Young Bulgarians do not always follow the rules. They quickly return to their old habits of life, including entertainment, sports, meetings and more.
Home office is accepted by employees as a new manner to organise their life. Some of them prefer to return to traditional model (normal life, normality). Other group evaluates home office during COVID-19 pandemic as a manner to save time and reorganise a business. New normality is a challenge from their point of view. More employees adapt very fast to new normality restarting job in offices. Artists started to broadcasts performances during the pandemic. More of them developed a digital literacy and they used online channels and new media and genres. Some of them prefer traditional form but not new normality.
Until the appearance of COVID-19, the term “normality” was used in medicine, psychology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, linguistics, etc. For example, social/societal normality, individual normality, mental normality; in chemistry, normality is associated with molar concentration and concentration of solutions; in mathematics, we talk about normal space, etc.
Researchers and people with disabilities ('visually impaired' and 'deaf') also talk about normality.
Since the advent of COVID-19, the term “normality” has been used in various contexts, including the new normality. In the situation of COVID-19, the normality is associated with manifestations in different areas and with different dimensions:
- Life, quality of life, standards of fife, lifestyle, habits, mindset, attitudes, etc.
- Work and conditions and circumstances in the workplace, office, home office, distance work, etc.
- Social life and participation in social and cultural events. Legal norms and labor legislation, indirectly to the social corporate responsibility, work organization, selection of personnel, evaluation of results and personnel, organizational and corporate culture.
- Education and evaluation, exams, and pieces of training in schools and universities. Organization of the learning process, training, phased testing, ongoing control, and evaluation at the end of the year, term, semester.
- Hygienic norms and health; social distance and physical distance.
- Traditions, customs, folk psychology - gatherings, celebrations, relatives, societies.
- Religious traditions - Christianity and Islam, Easter and Eid celebrations and prayers and commemoration - temples. Etiquette - greetings, handshakes, elbows, hugs, increasing the distance and in the direction of internationalization and standards.
- The media - mainly remote interviews on radio and television, online, deposit enhancement and lifestream, digital journalism. Reorganization in TV studios - distance and hygiene.
- Decisions at international, regional, national level - WHO, ministries.
- Tourism in Greece and Bulgaria: tests and QR codes.
- International economic relations - transport, trucks, transportation, etc.
- Small - big business - rising prices.
- State policy - supporting business in Bulgaria us 50 Bulgarian levs (Bulgarian currency) retirees and 9% VAT on beer and wine and some restaurants business.
Communication strategies:
The word and the concept of normality are given different meanings from a linguistic, social, psychological, communicative, rhetorical, economic, legal, managerial point of view. This requires redefining and establishing changes. In the media and in the political discourse in Bulgaria, normality is presented in different ways. It started to be talked about in April 2020, but since the measures are not so strict and there is no state of emergency, there is talk of new normality from May 2020. The dimensions of normality are seen in different directions - from local to global conclusions. and summaries, from specifics to generalizations, from examples in other countries to legal and medical norms:
- Only a vaccine can restore normalcy in the world.
- Protocols for safe return to work in the new normalcy.
- Tedros Gebreyesus: There must be a “new normality”. We have a long way to go and this virus will be with us for a long time to come, said the WHO Director-General. Economy, 23 April 2020.
- Pessimistic forecasts: United Nations/UN: We will never return to the old normality.
- The new normality includes: “The temporary” economy at a social distance.” Adecco Bulgaria,
- Deloitte: COVID-19: How to organize the recovery of organizations and supply chains. Preparations for recovery and the “new normality” begin now.
- Prof. Georgi Chobanov, economist, lecturer: We will return to normality, but this will be a new normalcy, Army Media, 26 May 2020,
Cultural Specificity
Most older Bulgarians follow the rules and guidelines for wearing masks on public transport, supermarkets, pharmacies, banks and elsewhere. One of the factors is the experience, upbringing and habits to follow norms and rules. Other reasons are the stereotypes and their life during socialism, when they strictly followed the rules and norms. Young Bulgarians do not always follow the rules. They quickly return to their old habits of life, including entertainment, sports, meetings and more.
Home office is accepted by employees as a new manner to organise their life. Some of them prefer to return to traditional model (normal life, normality). Other group evaluates home office during COVID-19 pandemic as a manner to save time and reorganise a business. New normality is a challenge from their point of view. More employees adapt very fast to new normality restarting job in offices. Artists started to broadcasts performance during the pandemic. More of them developed a digital literacy and they used online channels and new media and genres. Some of them prefer traditional form but not new normality.
The new normality:
The normality is associated with legal, economic, medical, organisational norms, measures and it has various verbal manifestations in media publications.
- The pandemic and the new normality/new normal. What happens? - Stan Dodov, Marginalia, 31 Marth 2020, Context: At the beginning of the quarantine, Bulgarians also experience a fear and a nostalgia for the previous life, habits, the rhythm of work and office.
- The new normality in four commandments. – site LEX NEWS, 14 May 2020, Context:The Minister of Health Anananiev issues an order and this is an official presentation of rules by a state institution.
- The new normality - up to 4 tablespoons in a restaurant. 2 meters distance between customers. The waiter to wear a mask. Mediapool, 3 May 2020, Context: The Minister of Health Anananiev issued an order and this is an official presentation of lighter rules in May 2020, when it is believed that there is no great danger of a pandemic.
- You just need normality, not a new normality. DNews, 02 May 2020, Context: There are changes in healthcare. The health system has problems with staff, hospitals, medicines.
- Unprecedented cooperation is needed to prepare for the new normality in the workplace after COVID-19. Adecco. 6 May 2020, Context: The coronavirus affects various areas and changes occur in the economy, healthcare, education and others. There are changes in jobs, occupations, unemployment is rising.
- Covid-19: What is the new “normality”? Why is Bulgaria on the “black list” of a number of countries? BGonAir TV, 20 July 2020, Context: The situation is changing and a second wave of coronavirus is expected in the autumn. Some countries raise the issue of travel restrictions for citizens from one country to another.
New normality and normality in different countries:
Sociolinguistic context: Bulgaria is a member of the European Union and Bulgarians have the attitude to get information about other European countries and to compare their standards of life in them. This is evident in the headlines of media publications for the period March - August 2020.
- Europe cautiously unblocks and enters “new normality”, Online media, 11 May 2020, Context: In the beginning of May people in different countries in Europe are gradually returning to work and their previous way of life. Ministries announce clear and strict rules.
- Europe and pandemic: Spain on the road to the 'new normal'/new normality. – Mediapool, online media, 29 April 2020, Context: Context: In the beginning of May people in different countries in Europe are gradually returning to work and their previous way of life. Ministries announce clear and strict rules.
- Spain returns to the new normality in 4 stages by the end of June.
Theaters and cinemas will open at the end of May, and beaches at the end of June. Bloomberg TV, 29 April 2020, Context: People in Spain return to work, to their previous way of life and visit theaters, concerts, cinema and habits. People play sports. There are strict rules.
- Coronavirus in Germany: the new normality is not cheap. Special fees in restaurants, surcharges in cafes, new prices at hairdressers - the introduced disinfection measures make services more expensive. DW, 16 May 2020, Context: People in Germany are returning to work and their previous way of life. There are strict rules that are followed.
- Coronavirus: Italians drink coffee outside again. They return to normality. Context: People in Italy are returning to their previous way of life and habits.
- Greece returns to normality: Half a million people will return to work. Online media, 18 May 2020, Context: Greece opens the tourist season. There are new jobs in the industry. People are returning to work.
- “New normality” starts in Greece today, 24 Houres Plovdiv, 4 May 2020, Context: Information for starting the tourist season in Greece. Ministries announce clear rules.
There are different meanings of the word normality, which people quickly understand when they are related to lifestyle, traditions, experience, standards, etc.
From an intercultural perspective, Bulgaria's normality is associated with experience, habits, and traditions at the levels of individuals, families, and communities.
For example, meetings connected with the graduation balls of high school students, engagements, weddings, funerals are restored quickly, and the old tradition are followed, which is considered normal. Simultaneously, the normality includes new norms to reduce the number of attendees and observe hygiene measures and norms presented by the government.
The new normality is associated with digitalization and distance learning of students.
The new normality is associated with watching online musical and theatre performances.
The new normality is associated with the reorganization of artists who offer their products in a new version that is available online. The organization of events in art and culture, such as virtual performances and buying tickets online, is also accepted positively by many Bulgarians.
The new normality is associated with rethinking the possibilities for using digital tools and applications, improving digital literacy and communication by social networks, and informing themselves permanently by comparing the news announced on sites.
In conclusion, the notion of ''normality'' has heterogeneous meanings. The word and the concept of normality are given different meanings from a linguistic, linguistic, social, psychological, communicative, rhetorical, economic, legal, and managerial perspective. This requires redefining and establishing changes in its meaning and presenting them both quickly and accurately from a scientific point of view.
References/Further Readings:
Латинско-български речник, изд. „Наука и изкуство“, София, 1980. [Latinsko-balgarski rechnik, izd. „Nauka i izkustvo“, Sofia, 1980.]
How to cite this entry:
Mavrodieva, I. (2021). Normality [Нормалност - Нова нормалност]. In Other Words. A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness. Published: 14 December 2021. [, accessed: 23 February 2025]