In Other Words

A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness

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wave – a second wave – a third wave
[Вълна – първа, втора, трета вълна]

by Ivanka Mavrodieva
This word has been published: 2021-12-14 09:56:05


The word ‘wave’ has a negative connotation during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Bulgaria. The wave has a figurative meaning, the use of the word gradually becomes a stable tradition in Bulgarian media, institutional statements and collocal language. The enlarging of the pandemic catalyses the derivation of verbal variants. The use of the word 'wave' started after the first lockdown (13 March – 30 May 2020) in Bulgaria. The use of the word' second wave" has been appeared in the media discourse in the summer of 2020. The word 'third wave" has been introduced during the autumn of 2020. Media outlets, experts, national institutions, and official organisations use the word ’wave’ as a petrified metaphor and as a verbal tool to represent the possibilities for the spread and increase in the number of infected and diseased people. The context is not only medical, but also situational, as it includes social, psychological, economic, and other dimensions that are captured by media discourse. 

Думата "вълна" има негативна конотация по време на пандемията от COVID-19 в България. Вълната има преносно значение, като употребата на думата постепенно се превръща в устойчива традиция в българските медии, институционални изявления и разговорен език. Разширяването на пандемията ускорява извеждането на словообразувателни варианти. Употребата на думата "вълна" започва след първото затваряне (13 март - 30 май 2020 г.) в България. Употребата на думата' втора вълна' се появява в медийния дискурс през лятото на 2020 г. Думата "трета вълна" е въведена през есента на 2020 г. Медиите, експертите, националните институции и официалните организации използват думата "вълна" като втвърдена метафора и като вербален инструмент за представяне на възможностите за разпространение и увеличаване на броя на заразените и болните хора. Контекстът е не само медицински, но и ситуационен, тъй като включва социални, психологически, икономически и други измерения, които се улавят от медийния дискурс. 


Analysis of the root/s of the word

вълна – wave – a second wave – a third wave  

Meaning of the word ‘wave’ in the 

Значение на думата вълнá

ВЪЛНА̀ ж. 1. Издигнатина, която се образува от движението на водна повърхност при всяко нарушаване на спокойното ѝ състояние.  

“A ridge that is formed by the movement of a water surface with each disturbance of its calm state.”

Речник на българския език. Иститут по български език на Българската академия на науките. 

вълнá - ж., само ед.


1. Водна издигнатина, образувана от колебанията на водната повърхност. Морски вълни. вълнá

2. Спец. Във физиката – периодично смущение и движение в дадена среда, а също разпространението на това движение. Звукова вълна. Дълги вълни. Ултракъси вълни.

3. Прен. Това, което се движи едно след друго в множество, като маса. Новата вълна в литературата. Вълна на недоволство.

“Water uplift formed by the oscillations of the water surface. Sea waves.”

Talkoven rechnik 


Cultural specificity:

The word ‘second wave’ is used in global, national, local/regional context. Bulgarian media infrom about pandemic every single day and  they present news concerning changes. The competition in media market establishes requirments to inform permanently and it create negative trand – virus journalism and fast news. Simulteniosely media prefer to transtale news prresented in authoritative media abroad. Journalists undertand that credibility is very important factor during the pandemic and they know that people try to find true infromation and comments by experts.

The first trend: citation and translation of authoritative media.

Germany is preparing for the second wave of COVID-19, SPIEGEL Magazine, 16 September 2020, Visits:, citation of authoritative media – enlarge 

A new virus wave after the containment of COVID-19? Russian press: Russia becomes a jungle, the stronger 

The second trend is credibility and official sources:

Why the situation with the coronavirus is better in the countries of East Asia,, 22 November 2020, 13:57, Updated 14:03 

Angel Kunchev (the member of the National operational headquarters): Obviously we are in the second wave, but it is different,, 11 June 2020, 09:01:23,

Kristalina Georgieva (Chairman of the International Monetary Fund,): A second wave of coronavirus could hurt the economy, Atanas Petrov, 17 July 2020, 11:35,, 

Academician Galabov: This is not the second wave of COVID-19, but the height of the first. "I am adamant that this is not a second wave, this is in the midst of the first." This was said in connection with the increasing number of COVID-19 patients by virologist Acad. Angel Galabov to bTV and added that we have yet to find out if there will be a second one.

 There is more and more talk in Europe about the third wave of COVID-19, BNT news, Teodora Gateva, 06: 18, 16.11.2020 (updated), The United States and Britain fear a second wave of COVID-19., 08 September 202, 09:55.

Second wave! Hospitals in Europe under serious pressure due to the growing number of people infected with 

If the pace of last week is maintained, the postponement and suspension of some of the non-priority activities will inevitably become,, 22 October 20202, 14:17,

The next trend is to present news on a local level and regional media follow this way, fro example Burgas – the town near to Black see and bad opportunities for a business and in particular tourism: 

Local level: Will the restaurants in Burgas survive after the second wave of COVID-19?  Far Agency, 17 November 2020, 20:30, 


The word ‘вълнá’ – ‘wave’ has manifestation in different spheres (science, arts, literature, economy, etc.) and sciences (physics, medicine, engendering, etc.). 

The word ‘wave’ is used in a new context in Bulgaria during 2020 and in the beginning of 2021 and the meaning is the same in comparison with 'stage'.

The word ‘wave’ has a negative connotation during the pandemic of COVID-19, and in particular, after the first wave (March 2020). Bulgarian media use the word ‘second wave’ in order to inspire fear of the spread of the virus, by showing an increase in the number of sick and infected people. Journalists present negative results about people's health and business.

Media use comparative and superlative words to present the results of the infected people.

In this example, media prefer to cite experts and scientists presenting the situation but journalists avoid to say their names and the media cite politicians.

It is noteworthy to say that from March 13, 2020, to 10 January 2021 there is frequent use of “wave of COVID-19” in the headlines or subheadings of media publications, radio and television broadcasts, and online posts.

The second wave of COVID-19 will hit the economy even harder. 

The media inspire fear, negative consequences for people's health and business. Journalists present examples, such as: 

A second, more powerful wave of COVID-19 awaits us. 

In the second wave of COVID-19, will Bulgaria again cope with controlling the pandemic?, referendum Broadcast, Bulgarian National Television, 13 October 2020,

Wx 18 s SECOND WAVE OF COVID-19: More and more countries are tightening measures, Nova TV, 12 October, 2020 11:57 AM, Updated at 7:34 p.m.

С локални мерки към национален провал -

Visualisation of the second wave

There is more and more talk in Europe about the third wave of COVID-19, BNT news, Teodora Gateva, 06: 18, 16.11.2020 (updated),

Media and expert introduce the word ‘third wave’ and they continue to express negative emotions:

WHO: Europe under threat from the third wave of COVID-19 in early 2021.

Why the situation with the coronavirus is better in the countries of East Asia,, 

22 November 2020, 13:57, Updated 14:03  

Communication strategies:

The word ‘wave’ in the pandemic of COVID-19 is used as an application of figurative language. The wave is a rhetorical figure that functions as a metaphor. It is used to show how  the fast spread of the virus in different countries, regions, continents as well as its impact on the economy, business, health, and healthcare. The change is the result of various factors: socio-cultural, political, medical, media, etc. In 2020 spring, experts in the field of virology talk about the first wave. In the summer of 2020, medics, statesmen, and journalists will start using the phrase second wave. In the autumn of 2020, there is already a talk about a third wave.

Visualisation of the wave has an association with see wave and flooding and as well as with increasing of disaster.

Третата вълна на коронавируса не стихва: Как изглежда картата на България -  bTV Новините


Visualisation of the third wave bTV 


Using of the word wave /Употреба на думата вълнá
Figurative meanings:

Something (usually air, smell, light, sound, etc.) that moves as it comes and goes.

A fast-moving, pushing crowd, a crowd of people.

The manifestation of a mass movement, struggle as an expression of protest, dissatisfaction against social injustices and below.

Increased manifestation, an outburst of feelings, thoughts.

Voice wavè. Sound wave.

The ninth wave. 1. Great danger. 2. The highest rise of a mighty force majeure.

Речник на българския език.
голяма ВЪЛНА a large/heavy wave/sea, surge 
малка ВЪЛНА ripple, ruffle - вълнá
ВЪЛНА която се разбива breaker - вълнá
приливна ВЪЛНА a tidal wave - вълнá
ВЪЛНА като планина a mountain of a wave, a mountain-high wave - вълнá
вълни, които се разбиват в брега surf - вълнá
2. физ. wave
взривна ВЪЛНА blast - вълнá
звукова ВЪЛНА a sound wave - вълнá
светлинна ВЪЛНА a light-wave - вълнá
студена ВЪЛНА а cold wave - вълнá
топла ВЪЛНА a heat wave - вълнá
дължина на ВЪЛНАта wave-length
къси/средни/дълги вълни short/mediuni/long waves - вълнá
ВЪЛНА от стачки/протести a wave of strikes/protest - вълнá
ВЪЛНАта на общественото мнение the tide of popular opinion - вълнá
на вълни (за коса) wavy - вълнá
(за моаре) watered - вълнá
нося се на вълните (за кораб и пр.) drift on the waves, roll adrift - вълнá
тласкан от вълните awash - вълнá


The positive meaning of the word ‘wave’ is used in music, fine arts, literature, etc. 

The word "wave" is used figuratively in a social and political context. For example, a wave of strikes/protests or a wave of public discontent among some groups in society.

The negative significance of the word ‘wave’ is associated with a health problem and in particular women and climacteric (menopause): cold wave and hot wave as a result of changes of the body. The meaning is a result of deconstruction in a specific national context.


The word ‘wave’ occurs in the following variants ('wave’, ‘second wave’, ‘third wave’ ) in publications on the sites of online media in Bulgaria. The meaning of the expressions has specific use and it relates to an extension of the infection of COVID-19. The aim of the use of three variants is to name the process of enlarging of COVID-19 in Bulgaria and in particular in districts, cities, continents etc. Stage and cluster are not preferable in Bulgaria. The use of the word wave has stable tradition and impacts on people. More Bulgarians afraid and the attitude (a fear) is a result of frequent repetition of this word. The association between pandemic with flooding and disaster establishes negative emotions.

Втора вълна на коронавируса залива Европа - От деня - БНР Новини
Visualisation of an enlarging of COVID-19 in different countries and continents. Source of a picture

References/Further Readings:

Речник на българския език. Институт по български език - БАН. [Rechnik na balgarskia ezik. Institut po balgarski ezik - BAN] 

Тълковен Речник онлайн [Talkoven Rechnik onlayn] 

Онлайн речник [Onlayn rechnik] 

Речник Словоред [Rechnik Slovored] 

Речник. Читанка [Rechnik. Chitanka ] 

Звуков речник [Zvukov rechnik] 


Nova TV, 17 November 2020, 20&10 h. 

DW, 30 April 2020,, 16 July 2020, 17:35,

Focusnews, 29 August 2020, 19:23 h., 

Newspaper 24Houres, online 85600; 09.08.2020 22:31;

Franspress19 476 

Bilgarian National Television, 13 Ocotber 2020,

Nova TV, 12 October, 2020 11:57 AM, Updated at 7:34 p.m. 

BNT news, Teodora Gateva, 06: 18, 16.11.2020 (updated),, 22 November 2020, 13:57, Updated 14:03 

How to cite this entry:

Mavrodieva, I. (2021). Wave – A Second Wave – A Third Wave [Вълна – първа, втора, трета вълна]. In Other Words. A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness. Published: 14 December 2021. [–second-wave-third-wave, accessed: 12 March 2025]